Set Telemetry Config

Sets the vehicle's Fleet Telemetry configuration.

By default, sets our recommended configuration. Specify a configuration to overwrite it.

Important: Modifying this configuration may have adverse effects on Tessie platform functionality. For example, omitting the gear field will prevent your vehicle from being tracked.

Example configuration:

  "fields": {
    "ACChargingPower": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "BatteryLevel": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "ChargeState": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "DCChargingPower": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "EnergyRemaining": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "Gear": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "IdealBatteryRange": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "Location": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "Odometer": {
      "interval_seconds": 60
    "RatedRange": {
      "interval_seconds": 60

The complete list of fields can be found here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!